I love his dad. He does anything I ask him to. My mother-in-law says if she wants something done, she tells me and I tell him. I love my father-in-law. But, I digress. . .
So on saturday while his dad was there, he no longer appreciates me trying to explain to him how to cut the paneling to fit around the cabinets. Nevermind that I tried to get him to put something on the walls before the cabinets went in. So, I guess I was embarassing him in front of his dad. He got really out of sorts over me marking a sheet of paneling to fit over the cabinet. Why was I doing that? Why did I think it would fit over the cabinet if I cut out a hole for the cabinet? Well, duh, silly! "I just don't undersatnd what you are doing!" So anyway, after we get the peice in place, perfectly, I no longer am welcomed into the kitchen. MY KITCHEN! So, no problem, I am tired anyway. I will just play on the computer for a while; only he has the electricity off. UGH!
How am I supposed to post pics of my work in progress if there is no electricity to my puter? So I took a walk around my hosue with my camera and took lots of pics to post on here. (Sorry, maybe tomorrow.) Man I am out of shape, but that is another post.
So, after working on Friday and Saturday to help with the kitchen, and keeping up with him pretty well, I wanted to rest all day yesterday. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. I was tired! I didn't even get out of my jammies until my shower this moring. Let me tell you now, this is why I am venting. HE DIDN'T MOVE FROM HIS CHAIR! ALL DAY.
Now, why does this bother me. I have no intention of moving from the house all day. I have to return to work just the same as he does. So why can't I sit around the house all day as well? Do nothing but watch TV and relax. Did he let me do this? NO! HE DIDN'T! This is how my day went.
Well, let me start with Saturday night. After his dad goes home, we finish putting up the paneling over the top of the cabinets. We stopped at around 6:30 that evening. Now, he goes and he sits down in the recliner and stays there while I begin cleaning up the mess that was left over. Ok so he does just a little bit; but not much. Not only did I clean up the kitchen and start a load of dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but I also started cooking dinner. Yes, instead of ordering pizza or heading out to Mickey D's, I COOKED! As tired as I was, I cooked. I ate dinner and then I went to bed. My butt was dragging by that time.
Now, I was not a good girl on Sunday morning, I didn't go to church. I did send the kids off with my mother-in-law, though. But I stayed home and cleaned up the mess left from the evening before. Then I made homemade french toast for BOTH of us. (He didn't go to church either.) He slept while I was cleaning the kitchen up and fixed breakfast for us. He got out of bed and sat down in his recliner. I carried his plate to him. (It was Easter.) Then I fixed my plate and sat down to eat. I had barely finished my first slice of toast when he started asking me what I was going to do all day. Well, first I am going to finish my breakfast. He is already done with his. Well, can I please put his work clothes into the washer since he has to go to work that evening. Well sure honey anything for you!
Now, I am sitting at the computer playing Age of Mytholody. The washer stops.
Hubby: "The washer stopped."
Me: "So."
Hubby: "Shouldn't you put them in the dryer?"
Are you seeing a beginning of my irritation?
Me: "If I have to. Are you just going to sit there all day?"
Hubby: "Yep, I am sitting here all day and not doing a thing."
Me: !@!#!@#!@#!@#MEN!
So, I dried his clothes. I then sat back down to continue my game. Now, his clothes are washed and they are drying. He's happy right? WRONG!
Hubby: " You not going to put another load in?"
Me: "Nope, I am tired and want to rest a little bit. If you will just give me time, I will throw a load in when I feel better."
Hubby: "Right."
I glare at him. I am silently cursing him under my breath. Happy #### Easter. Maybe I should have warned him that it is PMS time. Maybe not. I feel justified in my anger. He is sooooo selfish.
For the next 1 hour, every 10 minutes, "You going to do anything today?"
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