Welcome to my garden!
Join in my adventures of everyday life. I am trying to live by the saying "Live, Laugh & Love". Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is a whole lot of laughter, but there is always love. So, enjoy the flowers and enjoy the read.
So, last week, I told you that I had taken a walk in the woods and showed you the beginning of that walk. (Remember the horses?) Today I will show you the beautiful hillside full of "Lillies of the Valley", a few of the little streams criss crossing the valley and what I think is a dragon. For those that don't know me very well, I have a very active imagination.
First picture is of the lillies:

Try to over look the shadow of Nicki and me. We were fighting over the camera. I won! This next one is of me and Scott. Just to prove I really was out in the woods. I finally let Nicki take the picture.

Don't really remember what I was saying to her, I actually think that I was taking a hair out of my mouth, uck!

Step on the log and cross the stream. Easy, peasy, right? WRONG! That thing won't hold me. So guess what I did, I jumped over it. Yes the tubby wubby woman jumped over the iddy biddy stream. And what did I find on the over side?

A FAIRY COURT! (there is my imagination, I knew I hadn't lost it!) Right in the center of the four trees, a dancing stone. Don't ask me why I think it is that, I just do. When you find your own fairy court, you can certainly call any stones within said court what ever you want to. And why do I think it is a fairy court? Because of the dragon guarding it of course! See his tail behind the stone and tree border? No, how about this view of him.

He is peeking over his shoulder at us. We gave him plenty of room so he wouldn't shot us with his fire breath. Hey it could happen. What do you find on your walks? How often do you take them? Do you use your imagination while you are on your walks? And finally, do you encourage your children to use theirs? Let me know, I am really interested to see what you see on your walks.
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