Welcome to my garden!

Join in my adventures of everyday life. I am trying to live by the saying "Live, Laugh & Love". Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is a whole lot of laughter, but there is always love. So, enjoy the flowers and enjoy the read.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Purple Pansy Header

Do you think this is a nice header for my pansy patch? I am trying to design a nicer page. Let me know your comments and thoughts and if you think that I should take pictures of real pansys and put on here. Also, if you like the purple. Some folks don't like the purple too well. I happen to love it.
Sorry it is such a short post. But I promise more later!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A walk in the Woods

So, last week, I told you that I had taken a walk in the woods and showed you the beginning of that walk. (Remember the horses?) Today I will show you the beautiful hillside full of "Lillies of the Valley", a few of the little streams criss crossing the valley and what I think is a dragon. For those that don't know me very well, I have a very active imagination.

First picture is of the lillies:
Try to over look the shadow of Nicki and me. We were fighting over the camera. I won! This next one is of me and Scott. Just to prove I really was out in the woods. I finally let Nicki take the picture.
Don't really remember what I was saying to her, I actually think that I was taking a hair out of my mouth, uck! Step on the log and cross the stream. Easy, peasy, right? WRONG! That thing won't hold me. So guess what I did, I jumped over it. Yes the tubby wubby woman jumped over the iddy biddy stream. And what did I find on the over side?
A FAIRY COURT! (there is my imagination, I knew I hadn't lost it!) Right in the center of the four trees, a dancing stone. Don't ask me why I think it is that, I just do. When you find your own fairy court, you can certainly call any stones within said court what ever you want to. And why do I think it is a fairy court? Because of the dragon guarding it of course! See his tail behind the stone and tree border? No, how about this view of him.

He is peeking over his shoulder at us. We gave him plenty of room so he wouldn't shot us with his fire breath. Hey it could happen. What do you find on your walks? How often do you take them? Do you use your imagination while you are on your walks? And finally, do you encourage your children to use theirs? Let me know, I am really interested to see what you see on your walks.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring is Sprung!

This is what I want. Beautiful, colorful flowers everywhere! This lovely garden belongs to my great aunt Zola. I love driving by her house every year to see her beautiful garden. It is my spring goal.

However, this is what I have: little bitty buds that haven't opened up as of last weekend.
When I went outside on Saturday morning, this is what I found. Not a lot of them, but it's a start. I plan to add more this october for next spring in order to have a garden like Zola's.

This is the last of the daffodils. They are tired. This lovely little group of flowers lasted from the 28th of March until this weekend when they dropped their heads.

We found a lovely box of flower seeds that are called rain flowers. Such colorful, delicate little flowers. I am planting those above this bed on the hill side. It stays wet in here and the box said that they love moist shady places. This will be perfect. Can't wait to post those for you. More later folks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Now I had intended to show you by tulip buds, however, this was standing beside the flower. See my shadow addressing my sons shadow. You had better get that back inside where it belongs. I see no attacking animals that we need protected from.

So he headed back to the house with his BB gun. Whew! I worry about him sometimes.

Also in this pic, you can see my moldings from the kitchen leaning against the house and some remnents of the paneling left in the yard. Chore for the kids today--clean up the yard!

Hello Stormy! My aren't you friendly today. I am, as you all know, a big coward. This normally would have freaked me out. But the stars aligned yesterday and the horses were actually pretty friendly. Well, I am the nicest person you would ever want to meet. Didn't I tell you that? Wait, you think he is looking at something else? Naw, he is looking at me..... isn't he? Let me see........

Well, seems they are both NOT looking at me or wanting my attention. What could they be looking at?

Seems apple blossoms in Nicki's hand holds more appeal than me with my bitty camera. "Nicki, what are you doing with those blossoms? "

He's a very secure little stallion! Our Storm! Flowers in his mane doesn't bother him any at all.

We need to get him saddle broke. He follows the kids around like a puppy dog. But we would love to be able to ride him and Shadow. However, we need the assistance of a cowboy. Anyone know of any cowboys in WV? If you do, send them my way. We also need a farrier. They need shoed in the worst way. I just don't know how to it. And quite honestly I wouln't be willing to get that close to their feet. It hurts when they step on you.

If you are wondering why I am showing the horses and not the woods; we had to cross through the horse pen to get to the woods. If you look closely enough, you can see the woods in the background. Now I am going to show you what I mean by following the kids like dogs.

Boy this is getting lengthy. Maybe I will post more over the weekend.

Ok, I have one pic of the new countertop and then its more of my walk through the woods with my kiddies.
I actually thought it was darker than what it is. But I am still happy with it. And just for my sister, I added some color for you since Ms. Earthtones said it was TOO brown.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have pictures! Enjoy!

This is the wall heading into my living room. And you will notice, the microwave still hasn't fell.

I am so in love with my new kitchen. Can you believe I had doubts about this.

Okay, still no countertops, they should be here tomorrow. I can't wait!
Leave me comments. I am wondering what you all think of my new kitchen.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Yes, he spent two days working on the kitchen. (BTW, I have new pics of it.) We put up the paneling together on Friday, all day, with no arguments. We even took breaks when I needed them. We did so well on Friday that I decided to go ahead and work with him again on Saturday. Still went rather well, but there was an extra person around that day, his dad.
I love his dad. He does anything I ask him to. My mother-in-law says if she wants something done, she tells me and I tell him. I love my father-in-law. But, I digress. . .
So on saturday while his dad was there, he no longer appreciates me trying to explain to him how to cut the paneling to fit around the cabinets. Nevermind that I tried to get him to put something on the walls before the cabinets went in. So, I guess I was embarassing him in front of his dad. He got really out of sorts over me marking a sheet of paneling to fit over the cabinet. Why was I doing that? Why did I think it would fit over the cabinet if I cut out a hole for the cabinet? Well, duh, silly! "I just don't undersatnd what you are doing!" So anyway, after we get the peice in place, perfectly, I no longer am welcomed into the kitchen. MY KITCHEN! So, no problem, I am tired anyway. I will just play on the computer for a while; only he has the electricity off. UGH!
How am I supposed to post pics of my work in progress if there is no electricity to my puter? So I took a walk around my hosue with my camera and took lots of pics to post on here. (Sorry, maybe tomorrow.) Man I am out of shape, but that is another post.
So, after working on Friday and Saturday to help with the kitchen, and keeping up with him pretty well, I wanted to rest all day yesterday. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. I was tired! I didn't even get out of my jammies until my shower this moring. Let me tell you now, this is why I am venting. HE DIDN'T MOVE FROM HIS CHAIR! ALL DAY.
Now, why does this bother me. I have no intention of moving from the house all day. I have to return to work just the same as he does. So why can't I sit around the house all day as well? Do nothing but watch TV and relax. Did he let me do this? NO! HE DIDN'T! This is how my day went.
Well, let me start with Saturday night. After his dad goes home, we finish putting up the paneling over the top of the cabinets. We stopped at around 6:30 that evening. Now, he goes and he sits down in the recliner and stays there while I begin cleaning up the mess that was left over. Ok so he does just a little bit; but not much. Not only did I clean up the kitchen and start a load of dirty dishes in the dishwasher, but I also started cooking dinner. Yes, instead of ordering pizza or heading out to Mickey D's, I COOKED! As tired as I was, I cooked. I ate dinner and then I went to bed. My butt was dragging by that time.
Now, I was not a good girl on Sunday morning, I didn't go to church. I did send the kids off with my mother-in-law, though. But I stayed home and cleaned up the mess left from the evening before. Then I made homemade french toast for BOTH of us. (He didn't go to church either.) He slept while I was cleaning the kitchen up and fixed breakfast for us. He got out of bed and sat down in his recliner. I carried his plate to him. (It was Easter.) Then I fixed my plate and sat down to eat. I had barely finished my first slice of toast when he started asking me what I was going to do all day. Well, first I am going to finish my breakfast. He is already done with his. Well, can I please put his work clothes into the washer since he has to go to work that evening. Well sure honey anything for you!
Now, I am sitting at the computer playing Age of Mytholody. The washer stops.

Hubby: "The washer stopped."

Me: "So."

Hubby: "Shouldn't you put them in the dryer?"

Are you seeing a beginning of my irritation?

Me: "If I have to. Are you just going to sit there all day?"

Hubby: "Yep, I am sitting here all day and not doing a thing."

Me: !@!#!@#!@#!@#MEN!

So, I dried his clothes. I then sat back down to continue my game. Now, his clothes are washed and they are drying. He's happy right? WRONG!

Hubby: " You not going to put another load in?"

Me: "Nope, I am tired and want to rest a little bit. If you will just give me time, I will throw a load in when I feel better."

Hubby: "Right."

I glare at him. I am silently cursing him under my breath. Happy #### Easter. Maybe I should have warned him that it is PMS time. Maybe not. I feel justified in my anger. He is sooooo selfish.

For the next 1 hour, every 10 minutes, "You going to do anything today?"


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Kitchen follow up.

Well, I don't have any new pics to show you. Hubby did go get my beadboard paneling, but it isn't on the walls yet. Hopefully, even though it is Easter, it will go up on Saturday. My sister suggested that I paint it red. My hubby vetoed that idea. NO WAY! He isn't a big fan of red walls.
So, my mom will be happy, we are leaving it all natural; in keeping with the country theme that I have somehow adopted. I am not a country person, but it looks I might be a secret country person. I really like it.
Check back later to see what I do next. It could be a new bathroom, patio or mud room. Doing my part to stimulate the economy.
I am liking the idea of a mud room. I absolutely abhore the mess that gets tracked into my dining/sewing room and kitchen. Coal miners definately need a room to enter and derobe before coming all the way in to the house.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I wanted a new kitchen and voila!

So, I wanted a new kitchen. The one that I had was decorated by my mother-in-law. It hadn't been changed in well...43 years. So, I went to Lowe's and bought some cabinets. They weren't what I orginally wanted, but aren't they pretty? They are hickory. See the bitty bit of yellow peeking at you from the bottom of the pic? That is what color her kitchen was. I sort of like it. But it doesn't match the wall paper. So now I get to decide if I want to repaper the kitchen or if I want add something different. We had originally decided on the small panels that look like the old-fashioned tin ceilings. However, those things are $20 a panel and they only measure about 18 inches by 21 inches. Not going to happen. I am my father's daughter and my sister's sister, I am not paying that much for something that small!

So we go looking around for something else to put between my counter and my upper cabinets. We looked a sheet of paneling that looked like 3 inch tiles, but they were white with black speckles. I don't think that would have matched very well. Then we looked at beadboard paneling. I think this is going to look better and that is what we decided on. Hubby and daddy-in-law are going today to pick it up. So, tomorrow I should have a totally different look on my walls. I will take pics and post to show you what it looks like.

Until then, here are my new cabinets for your enjoyment!!
Yeah, I can't explain the chair in front of the stove. But you know, I am really liking the yellow paint. By the way, I helped to install the microwave above the stove. And you will notice, it hasn't fell down yet!

And this is the other side of the same wall.Please over look the mess made by the hubby and kids while I was sleeping. I did clean it up after I took the pics.

This is the side wall with the fridge. Notice the absence of countertops? I am using plywood with contact paper for countertops until the butterscotch run counters arrive hopefully next week!

Even though it isn't what I orginally wanted, it is more in keeping with the type of home that we have, farmhouse. Next, I want a new bathroom. We will see.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An unusual evening

So, here I sit enjoying the quiet. Usually it isn't this quiet. I have Kathy chasing Scott who is chasing the cat and Nicki is typing away on her puter to her friends. They yell at each other and there is lots of laughing, mostly, until the cat screeches and then they are all off trying to catch him again. That poor cat, he lives a very rough life until Scott goes to bed. I think we need to get him a puppy.

If you read my facebook post, you will know that I fell asleep after dinner this evening. I am blaming it on my diabetes. There is no way I am so old that a 3 hour (ok, 4) nap is normal. I just do not have any energy anymore. I think that maybe there might be something else going on. I have a low fever and my throat is sore. I think I will blame it on that. I am sick. The nap was a medical requirement for recharging my defenses against a mother nature that is really confused these days.

So, now that I have had my nap and everyone in my house is in bed except for me and the cat, I think I will go back to bed. I have been up from my nap for about 2 hours. Yeah I think it is time to sleep again. good night.

A funny happened....

Well, I made it through the evening pretty well. I went to meet my mom at Hartland to take her a Tupperware order.

She is so funny. She was sitting in my passenger seat with her drug store reading glasses (which made her eyes look magnified 10x) and fuzzy pink hoodie with a lap full of tupperware books and worried the whole time we were sitting there that the cops would show up and arrest us for drug trafficking. I asked her if she had a guilty conscience. She looked at me through her reading glasses and blinked. I was reminded of an owl. Hummm. (Sorry Mom!)

I just had to share the funny!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My First Blog!

OMG! I actually did this. Usually my line would be "I know just enough to make me dangerous!" Thank you Google for making this way too easy. I have things I want to say and I have things that are just crazy and I really want to share. So, I am going to think up things to talk about and share with you all later. Right now I just want to preview what I have written and see how it looks.