So, I don’t know if you are aware, but I have been having some very difficult times here lately. They are mine to deal with and I won’t bore you with details. But I will tell you of the amazing two things that happened to me and my children over the weekend.
First of all, I felt lousy this weekend and my kids wanted to eat to Mickey Dees’ so I had my father in law take them to Smithers to eat. While they were there, an old man that was obviously homeless come in. Not only was he homeless, but not all there either. And he saw my kids with gran’ma and gran’pa and started talking to them. Now the in-laws were not happy about this. But my youngest, Scott, just chatted away. The old man ordered himself a thing of French fries and that was all. He told them that was all he had the money for. My son felt really sad about this. Considering our recent troubles, he wanted to help. The in-laws wouldn’t let him. But as they were getting ready to leave, Scott told his gran’pa to wait a minute. He turned around and went back inside and gave the extra coke they had ordered to the old man. Then gave him a hug and went back to car. I am doing something right I think. Although, to be honest, it is simply God working in my child's heart.
**My little angel in training.**
I felt really proud of my son for that generosity. It was all he had and he wanted to share it with someone who didn’t have as much as he did. (Wipe away a tear, I did.)
That was on Friday evening. I took the kids out again on Saturday evening to Bob Evans at Summersville. We sat down and ordered our meal. We talked and laughed and just had a really good dinner. I even relented on the sweets issue and got them a slice of pie to take home for dessert. We were all stuffed. When I flagged the waiter down to get the bill, he informed me that it had been taken care of. I was dumbfounded. WHAT?! Seriously, I am ready for the bill. What he gave me was this sentence. “A gentleman who was sitting behind you has already paid your bill. He said he didn’t know you but he just wanted to take care of it for you and he didn’t want you know who he was.” All he gave me was the bill for the desserts. $7.92. That is all it cost me to feed myself and the kids on Saturday evening at Bob Evans. It would have been around $50 or $60. And I just had to pay $7.92. All I could say was “Thank you Lord for your blessing.”
So, whoever he was, I thank him. And all of these angel stories that are circulating around, BELIEVE!!!! There are indeed angels unseen and they are working in our lives even though we cannot see them.

God Bless you all!