Welcome to my garden!
Join in my adventures of everyday life. I am trying to live by the saying "Live, Laugh & Love". Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is a whole lot of laughter, but there is always love. So, enjoy the flowers and enjoy the read.
My computer crashed. It wouldn't start up. It stayed on the black startup screen and wouldn't do anything else. It kept asking me which mode I wanted to start up in and I told it safe mode, but it wouldn't listen! Then it just died. NOTHING HAPPENED!
I had so much stuff on that computer! Pictures from the last six years. Preschool graduations, prom night, graduation night. Hubby coming hom from Iraq, twice. Copies of receipts for vehicle parts, (which hubby hasn't realized yet!) birth certificates, geneologies, spreadsheets, internet downloads (my games) all sorts of things that I have gotten used to over the years and now, there is nothing.
How important have these computers become that our lives are stored on them? Did the fellows who invented these things realize how much we would come to depend on them? Not only for storing informatin, but for entertainment and socalization. I don't think I could function normally if I didn't have some way to access the internet. I feel so disconnected.
This happened over the weekend and I am still trying to deal with it.
Fortunately, there is a fellow here at work that said he might me able to "mirror" my harddrive and see if he can recover all my stuff. He didn't guarantee all of it, he may not be able to even do it, but he is willing to try. Bless his little heart. So wish me the best as I struggle to recover my sanity, oops, I meant files!
So, there has to be at least one picture on here to lighten up the mood. These are the hands of my 15 year old. She has plaid tipped nails on. I must say, she has her own sense of style.
Well, I have officially harvested from my real garden. I got 2 heads of cabbage from it. Now, what the heck am I going to make from 2 heads of cabbage? Some one send me a recipe for canning cabbage. I like kraut. No one else in my family does, but I do. I will make kraut.
I have also gotten green onions and peppers and cucumbers. Here have a look-see:

Isn't that something? I feel like I have done something productive. I feel like a country girl! I raised a garden.....well ok, Kathy raised a garden. But I pulled out the weeds that almost over took it. She doesn't like to weed, it gets too hot. Boy does it! And the bugs, ugh. But I did it, so now I claim this garden

as my own little green garden patch. You can almost see my marigolds around it. The five remaining corn stalks that actually have ears of corn growing on them. See:

I am so proud of this endeavor. Everyone laughed at me when I said I was going to grow a garden. Well keep laughing. All that positive energy is making my garden grow and produce....well produce!
So, fresh from my garden to your computer screen, enjoy a few pics of the cantaloupe and the pepper and the tomatoes that funny shaped and whatever else I have growing there. Not sure about some of the plants.

Wow! Has it really been over a month since I posted? Didn't mean for that to happen.
I suppose that Farmtown and Farkle took over me. I am so addicted to those games on Facebook. In addition to farming on Facebook, I am "farming" in real life. Farmtown on Facebook is soooo much easier.
Our garden is coming along quite nicely. We have 9 heads of cabbage forming-3 are ready to cut now. Need to do that this evening. We have potatoes growing (I think) it's hard to tell with them being in the ground and all. We only have 4 corn stalks left. The rabbits and the deer really like them. We have no beans left at all. The rabbits and the deer really LOVED those. Our carrots got washed out of the garden. They didn't come up at all. The rabbits ate the lettuce, too.
We have green onions and cucumbers and peppers. Cucumbers look kind of funny and they are turning yellow. Not sure what that is about. I thought they gew to be about 6 or 7 inches and were green. Maybe I should check and make sure they aren't squash instead. And finally, our tomatoes. We have about 6 regular ole tomatoe plants and we have 6 roma tomatoe plants. These plants are giving Greg fits. He came into the house last weekend and asked me if I had seen the tomatoe plants. "They are growing funny." I busted out laughing. Couldn't really get him to understand that they are still tomatoes, just shaped a little differently. I will pics for you tomorrow.
Better head out to get breakfast. Don't want my sugar dropping out again. Love to you all until tomorrow.