So, we get in from shopping yesterday and there is anumber on our caller ID from Ivydale. I yell at Nicki and tell her that her friend Danielle has called. Because that is who I think the number belongs to. And she calls the number back. It is NOT Danielle. It is a boy! My ever so tactful daughter asks him "Why did you call me?" Oh, let's just get right to the point! She doesn't mess around, my Nicki.
But it didn't deter him, they talked for about 10 minutes with just me here, and then Daddy walked in. Now he is used to Nicki being on the phone...teenage girls do this. What he is not used to is her talking to a boy. He probably wouldn't have even noticed that she was talking to a boy, but, I told on her! Yes! I did. It didn't take long for the phone call to be finished at that point either.
Now Dad starts talking to Nicki about this boy: who is he? where does he live? how old is he? who are his parents? what does he like to do? Nicki's answers: MT (let us protect him for now) Ivydale, he is my age, I don't know, we talked about mango. Well, she lost us. We have no clue what mango is. Anyone else have a clue?
Now he is questioning her about band, because she tells us that she is in marching band at school this coming year. I don't recall my hubby being in band when we were in school, but he informs us that he knows what goes on in the band room. I know what went on in the band room, I was in there quite a bit, don't remember him being in there. But he says he knows.
She also tells us that she has to go to band camp. I have never been to band camp. To my knowledge neither has Dad, but again, he KNOWS what goes on there also. I am beginning to think that I don't know my hubby as well as I thought. Now he is insisting that she will NOT be going to band camp. But I have news for him. She will have to go. Can you imagine my Nicki in band camp. 

Well, maybe I can. I hope she excells at it. She plays the flute. She has always remined me of an elf and the flute seems very appropriate. (spelling) Good luck my daughter! Take life as you please.