Welcome to my garden!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hi ho, hi ho it's off to shop we go!
Anyways, I digress. At this point in time, Nicki walks in the door. What are you doing here? ( I know the answer to this becasue all night the night before, she said "I can't believe that you guys are going to Wal-mart without me!")
Her response, "I got sick at school and they made me call home."
My response "I didn't hear the phone ring. I have been here helping daddy pack for flood duty for the last hour."
Her response, "I told them that I felt better after throwing up but they made me call home and I didn't think you all would be here so I called gran'ma. They made me come home Mom!" Foot stomp and up the stairs she goes.
Now, hubby has heard all of this because he is now out of the shower and has even shaved while we were having this conversation. But no word from him. Now he needs a hair cut. So I get out the clippers, he gets a sheet to cover up with because it makes so much sense to cut your hair after you shower! I cut his hair and trim him up nice and pretty for all his fellow soldiers. No hair can touch his ears or the collar of his jacket. Lovely little guidelines to follow from the army. So, we have spent another 45 minutes putting off flood duty. It is now 1:45 p.m.
Oh, I forgot to mention that we are waiting on a call from his supervisor at the mines. He happened to be underground when hubby called to tell them the news of flood duty. He hasn't called back. I have had enough. Kathy has waited for 3 years to get her disability money and she wants to shop. I tell him..."Call them back and leave your cell phone #. Tell them that you will be on there in about 20 minutes and let's go. I am going to school to pick up Scott and I will meet you at KFC in Summersville!" Out the door I go.
So, we went shopping. Kathy definately knows how to shop. 4 hours we spent shopping for her things. Including new cell phones for her, me and Nicki. My daughter is so very generous. Now we are heading home and my new cell phone rings. It is hubby and he wants to know if we stopped at the the UPS store to send off a nintendo DS to get fixed. Uh, NO, I am going home. Well, don't want it to be a wasted trip. Turn around and go to the store. UGH!
So, while we are waiting for the lady to finish with our box, we decide that we are stopping at an ice cream stand on the way home for a treat. Everyone agrees, we scream for ice cream!! Now, when we finally get home and drop off Nicki and Scott and all the loot that Kathy bought, hubby says since she is wanting a laptop, we should go ahead and get it for her while he is still here. Now folks, he is so technically illiterate he got upset at my cell phone because he couldn't figure it out. But he insists on being there when we buy "Kathy's" new laptop. He drives me crazy.
Then another hour was spent trying to decide which laptop she wanted. She finally decided on a Toshiba. There went a chunk of change, let me tell you. But she is happy and her BFF is supposed to be at the house with her today. All night she kept telling me, "This is the best day EVER!" And then she and nicki started singing spongebob.
The best day ever is over. Money is spent. Loot is strung all over my house, but Kathy is happy, therefore, I am happy!
PS. My being happy has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that hubby is away for 2 weeks. Nope, not a thing!!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Notice My Links!
But it was worth it. Isn't my blog so pretty. And I have to tell you that I now have several links on my page to a few of the blogs that I follow and (sigh--shamless plug) my new site for my quilts that I make. I added a price list on the side and posted pics of my patterns that I have done. There are several that I haven't got on there, but I will have.
So, after you have read all the "fresh from the garden" posts on the patch, hop over a hollow and meet me at the top of the hill for some pretty quilts.
Love to all!
P.S. I am not stopping this blog, so check back often to see what else I am up to.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Friends! I love them.
Hope that everyone is staying dry and that the waters haven't invaded your homes. Stay safe and dry, all.
Now I am headed off to Access class. More later!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Finally, a garden!