Welcome to my garden!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
More Christmas Decorations
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Decorating for Christmas.....
So, I started to decorate for the holidays. A little bit late, but better than not at all. I felt really guilty about it when my son walked up and said, very pathetically, "So, I guess we aren't going to have a tree this year. Are we Mom?". Well, wouldn't you if he had batted his big ole brown eyes at you.
We started by clearing off a shelf. Then we found a few aprons that I had started making for family members, but didn't finish. Here is what we ended up with.
Ok, this one is before we cleaned off the entire shelf. See all the DVD cases there. Way too much junk on this shelf. I cleaned it up.
Well, have I impressed you with my decorating skills? Or rather my cleaning ability? For those of you who have been in my house and know how much JUNK I have.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Driving in a Winter Wonderland
Yeah an by the time she got to clay it was deeper (this is Nicki by they way the daughter she had to pick up. I stole the computer while my mom is doing something.
She did take a lot of pics. But they are so pretty. This is the kind of snow I like. Where it doesn't stick to the road,
but it lays on the trees so nicely!
These are of the hill that is my driveway. I can't believe that my little car made it up it.
I will have you know that White Christmas and Winter wonderland have been playing in my head all day long.
And when we reached our little blue house on the hill...
guess what was waiting on us? The puppy that adopted us. He just showed up at our house one day and decided he liked it and has been here every since .
His name is Kyou, (pronounced kee-ooh) Nicki likes anime and she named him. I would have preferred Rex, Killer, Rover...something I can understand. You know!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's getting colder.....

However, my scanner can't fit the whole thing in. You can see that half of it is missing.
I love these colors. I am hoping that my momma likes them too.
Listening to Christmas carols and Christmas songs in general. My new 2 favorites are Santa, Baby and Baby It's Cold Outside. I like the versions from the ELF soundtrack.
Christmas is my favorite time of year. It was the favorite of my sisters who have passed away also.
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my other sister's house. She has her place looking really good. Hopefully she has a few new pics that she can post for all to see. HINT HINT TERRY JO!!!!
"My maiden aunt's mind is vicious!" ha ha!
Monday, November 9, 2009
I Believe......Do you?!
First of all, I felt lousy this weekend and my kids wanted to eat to Mickey Dees’ so I had my father in law take them to Smithers to eat. While they were there, an old man that was obviously homeless come in. Not only was he homeless, but not all there either. And he saw my kids with gran’ma and gran’pa and started talking to them. Now the in-laws were not happy about this. But my youngest, Scott, just chatted away. The old man ordered himself a thing of French fries and that was all. He told them that was all he had the money for. My son felt really sad about this. Considering our recent troubles, he wanted to help. The in-laws wouldn’t let him. But as they were getting ready to leave, Scott told his gran’pa to wait a minute. He turned around and went back inside and gave the extra coke they had ordered to the old man. Then gave him a hug and went back to car. I am doing something right I think. Although, to be honest, it is simply God working in my child's heart.
**My little angel in training.**

Thursday, October 15, 2009
It's beginning the look alot like Christmas!
So in this view, you see my sewing table. Right in the middle of this farthest wall is a window. It is a 3 ft x 4ft slider aluminum window. Lots of air flows through this portal. We are planning on replacing that with a vinyl insulated one. The whole room is only 10 ft wide. With 8ft ceilings. Actually, I don't think that they are even 8ft. Very low. Concrete floors are waiting for laminated hardwood.
You should remember that my father-in-law built this house all on his own. I refer to it as my crooked house. He had a few troubles in getting it square. He told me that is what happens when you are building all by yourself! But that is another story.
Now this is the view across from the fireplace. My fruit plaques should be here, but there is just no room!So what do you think? How would you decorate this very unusual room for Christmas?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mom! Look at my pumpkin.........
Sorry about that. Here is what he ended up with. He told me he made a baby jack-o-lantern. How do you know it's a baby? His answer........Because it has no teeth! Well, so it doesn't Do you think it will still scare the boogey monster away if it's a baby?
What do you think?
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Haven't forgotten you!

So, I use the unwanted paid meds to get me through the week and half of torture my kidneys were putting me through. I have taken all the antibotics. I have only a few pain meds left. I went to see the urologist on the 21st and have had an appointment for something every day this week. The only day I don't have something is Thursday. I have a lithotripsy scheduled for 8:00 on Friday. Finally, some relief. Well, we will see, several folks have told me that I am going to feel as though I have been hit by a truck. I hope not, but it would have to be better than this.
So, Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine.
More later!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Going to the Chapel!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Unplugged and Disconnected
I had so much stuff on that computer! Pictures from the last six years. Preschool graduations, prom night, graduation night. Hubby coming hom from Iraq, twice. Copies of receipts for vehicle parts, (which hubby hasn't realized yet!) birth certificates, geneologies, spreadsheets, internet downloads (my games) all sorts of things that I have gotten used to over the years and now, there is nothing.
How important have these computers become that our lives are stored on them? Did the fellows who invented these things realize how much we would come to depend on them? Not only for storing informatin, but for entertainment and socalization. I don't think I could function normally if I didn't have some way to access the internet. I feel so disconnected.
This happened over the weekend and I am still trying to deal with it.
Fortunately, there is a fellow here at work that said he might me able to "mirror" my harddrive and see if he can recover all my stuff. He didn't guarantee all of it, he may not be able to even do it, but he is willing to try. Bless his little heart. So wish me the best as I struggle to recover my sanity, oops, I meant files!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Garden Patch!
Isn't that something? I feel like I have done something productive. I feel like a country girl! I raised a garden.....well ok, Kathy raised a garden. But I pulled out the weeds that almost over took it. She doesn't like to weed, it gets too hot. Boy does it! And the bugs, ugh. But I did it, so now I claim this garden
I am so proud of this endeavor. Everyone laughed at me when I said I was going to grow a garden. Well keep laughing. All that positive energy is making my garden grow and produce....well produce!
So, fresh from my garden to your computer screen, enjoy a few pics of the cantaloupe and the pepper and the tomatoes that funny shaped and whatever else I have growing there. Not sure about some of the plants.